The party went well. It poured for part one of it but we (family & friends) huddled under the tents and ate, drank and made merry. By the time we were ready for the cake the sun came out. Here's the man of the hour. The graduation cap on the cake was on my cake when I graduated in 1976, was on his older brother's 4 years ago and now his. The Snoopy was on both boy's kindergarten cakes. I wonder if my someday future daughters in law will put them on their kids cake? Will I be here to see that?
The kids had a campfire and make s'mores. You've heard of people trying to out do each other drinking shots; well these kids were trying to out do each other stuffing marshmallows in their mouth then saying "chubby bunny". Geez, kids today :)
Sounds like some good old fashioned fun!
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