Tuesday, September 02, 2008

What I Did on my Summer Vacation

Or a better title would be Where the Hell Did the Summer Go? Now I know that autumn is a few weeks away but I always equate the end of summer and beginning of fall to the school year. I return to school today although the students return tomorrow and my kindergartners come on Thursday. The summer just seemed to fly by and I think because it was super busy.
It actually started in May when Kevin graduated from college, a week later we had a party. Next we had a big graduation party for Cameron out in the back yard. The following weekend he graduated from high school. I celebrated my 50th birthday with a 4 day extravaganza. Next we moved Kevin to New York City where he started his new job. We went to the 1000 Islands for a few days and relaxed on the St. Lawrence River.

The following week we took Cameron to college for the first time. In between all that we redid our family room, I enjoyed my garden, adopted some toads, walked the dog and took care of my niece and nephew 2 times per week while my sister worked.

My nephew William and I had a summer long gin rummy tournament and the loser of said tournament had to provide a prize to the winner. Will is a good card player and I didn’t go easy on him.

Well until the end. The score went back and forth all summer but towards the end I eased off, let him get a few hundred points in the lead and never caught up. The final score was close; William 8,270 Me 8,175 I bought him a new deck of pirate cards and a big fossilized shark tooth. He loved them both. He gave me my prize anyway, a bottle of nail polish from the drugstore. I love this child.

I hope that your summer was as busy or relaxing as you wanted.


  1. Summer definately did fly by, I'm happy I completed a few projects I had on my list.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Well, that's where your summer went!

    You stayed just a tad bit too busy!

  3. It went by way too fast.


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