Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Spring Friends

I love pansies, they are such a friendly looking flower. I think the inside looks sort of like an angel.Maybe it's just me?
I'm not sure what this white flowering tree is.
It starts out with furry buds that swell up
then pop open to reveal bright white flowers.
I think it's some sort of Magnolia?
Forsythia is the first thing to bloom up here besides crocus. I like it when it first comes out and is that greenish yellow color, then it turns to a buttery pure yellow. Not crazy about it when at the end it's a golden color.

Last but not least, my favorite, tulips. As you may or may not know,

I can't grow them in my yard. They are the favorite snack of rabbits. Damn rabbits.
So I have to enjoy other people's tulips.
I love all colors of them, even the ones that are almost black.
I'm starting to feel better today. I actually got out of bed and came downstairs for a while. My tonsils are still swollen to the point that it is hard to swallow but I don't need the vicodin anymore. I'll be out of school the rest of the week but do have to go out tonight. Number 2 is being inducted into the National Honor Society at school this evening. I get tired just walking from the bedroom to the bathroom so I'm going to have to have valet service.


  1. Love the beautiful flowers. I see the angel too :)

    Sorry to hear that you have been so sick..that is terrible! I remember having tonsilitis in high school and thinking I was going to die..seriously.

    Hope tomorrow is better.. Rest up.

  2. Well take it easy at the ceremony! But I understand why you want to be there...that is quite an honor :)

    I love the flower pictures.....especially the tulips...they are one of my favorites too :)
    Feel better!


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