Monday, April 30, 2007

Tonsillitis, it's not just for kids

I started not feeling well this past Friday. I thought, "oh boy, I made it all winter without getting a cold from any of my students and when the weather gets nice, I'm getting one."
By Saturday I was really feeling bad but could still function(read go out for breakfast and stuff). As the day progressed I went downhill fast. By Sunday I was down for the count. My throat had never been this sore. I literally cannot talk. My throat and neck hurt so bad I could hardly open my mouth to get a spoon full of jello into it. Today Monday, I went to the doctor. Diagnosed with a "rip roarin" case of tonsillitis. I thought that was something mostly young kids and teens came down with, not a finely aged woman like myself.

Now I am a tough cookie and have a high pain tolerance but not this time. It is so painful to swallow I cringe when I do it. You can't believe how much saliva you produce until you can't swallow it. I am getting to the point to where I want to spit it out. I don't even like to spit out toothpaste. I haven't eaten and just had sips of tea for 3 days. I have type II diabetes so it's important to eat. He was concerned that I may end up in the hospital.
Long story short my, doctor sent me right over to an ENT for a second look. Thought maybe I needed prednizone to reduce the swelling. I ended up with a prescription for antibiotics and vicodin for the pain.

Turns out I'm not as tough as I thought. I certainly realize many people suffer through much worse things but this is bad and I'm being a baby. Plus I will be out of work for at least 3 more days.

I looked at some images on the web of tonsillitis and no way am I posting any here. It is positively gross. Instead, here are some cacti from when we went to the conservatory. See those prickly spikes? That's what feels like is in my throat.

ps. It's hard to tpye while hepped up on vicodin.

1 comment:

  1. Ouchie!!! Sore throats are horrible!! I surely hope you get to feeling better soon. Make sure you EAT!!!!! :)


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