Thursday, May 03, 2007


Friendship. There are all kinds of levels of it. There's your see once in a while at the grocery store friend. They're someone you see when you're out and about and do the stop and chat with. Not really someone you'd call, but a friend nontheless.

The work friend. This is someone you work with and are friendly with at work but it's strickly a work relationship. You don't really share personal stuff with them or see them outside of work but you do like them and share a common

I guess an aquaintance would be someone you know but don't for whatever reason want anymore with. You say, Hi, how are you?" and move on.

The seasonal friend. I know that sounds odd. When I was 10 years old my family started going camping at a campground every summer for 2 weeks, the same time every year. There we met other families that did the exact same thing.
They all had kids and for those 2 weeks we were
best buds. Maybe a letter or two would be exchanged during the year but for the most part, it was a 2 week friendship that lasted about 8 years. We would all arrive on the same day and just pick up where we left off 50 weeks ago. I loved it.

The on-line friend. On line friendships can be good. When you meet someone you click with it's fun. They are someone you may have never met in life and may never meet but you form a bond if you take the time. Some may say you can't really form a bond with an online friend but I disagree. You can become very close to someone online. Eventually as your friendship builds you learn more about each other. Maybe more than anyone else knows. You feel comfortable talking with them, knowing they won't judge you. I have an online friend that I just love chatting with. We are from different backgrounds and if it wern't for computers, we would never have met. Love him just the same.

The good friend. For me they are friends that enjoy each other. You have a history together. You like being with them. I will say that my good friends are several of the people I work with. I don't consider them work friends because we share personal things with each other. We use each other as sounding boards. We're a big part of each others lives. We share in each other's triumphs and let downs. We have much fun together and it makes going to work easy. We care about each other and can tell when one is upset, unhappy. One friend and I can read each other's minds. Well ,not really but it seems that way. There's a connection that comes from knowing each other well.

The relative friend. Some people aren't friends with their relatives but my youngest sister and I are. Growing up, when my parents worked I was in charge being the oldest. My middle sister (2 years younger) was old enough to go roam the neighborhood with her friends but not old enough to be in charge of the youngest (5 years younger than me). That's where I came in. Some may have grown resentful that they had to take care of their little sister while the other one did her own thing. I did not. Sure, I couldn't go to friend's house without her coming with me but I didn't seem to mind. As we grew up and I moved out of my parents house she would sleep over at my place countless nights and we did many things together. I took care of her babies for 3 years each while she worked part time. I will take care of them over this summer also. We go on vacations together. Sometimes I think my middle sister is jealous but it goes back to when we were little. She'd rather hang with friends than her sisters.

The spouse best friend. Yes, your spouse can be your best friend. They are a person you love and they love you. You certainly share lots of things together. Your hopes and dreams, your children and you love hanging out with each other. They know your faults, your secrets and are honest with you. They love you unconditionally.

The best friend. Slightly different from the spouse best friend. I know that for women, there are just some things that you're more comfortable talking about with another female. Someone to get things off your chest with, maybe about your spouse. That first person you want to call when something good happens. Someone to shop with, to go to garden stores with, to hang out in your pajamas together late at night out on the patio.

I wrote this today because friendship is not automatic, it takes work just like any other relationship, especially if you don't see each other often. My best friend moved away a while back and it's just not the same without her. I miss her.

1 comment:

  1. that was beautifully written and the pictures were great too :)


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