Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sean and I went to a local garden conservatory a few weeks ago
trying to beat the winter blahs.
Did it work? For an hour or so yes, until we went to the car and the thermometer said it was 23 degrees out. Today I thought I'd just share a few thoughts sprinkled with flowers.
I love flowers, I know, I've told you that before but my favorite are spring flowers. I suppose it's because after a long winter they are the first to arrive. They don't last long but they're beautiful while they're here. One fall I had planted many tulip bulbs and waited all winter with anticiaption. Spring arrived, they awoke from their slumber ready to greet me, well and the sun. Every day I checked their progress. One morning the buds were so full and ready to burst open. Any time they'd bloom. My wait was almost over. That afternoon I check again and to my horror some rabbit had come by and feasted on the buds. Nothing left but stems. For a few years I tried to grow more. Every spring, same thing.
Final score: Rabbits 200 tulip buds
Me: 0 tulips
I don't feed the rabbits anymore.
Daffodils must not taste very yummy. Nothing eats them.

Sean liked these flowers. I don't know what they are.

They grew on a vine in some trees. He thought they looked like they were singing.

Cacti, not your most friendly plant around but interesting none the less.

1 comment:

  1. Conservatories make a great addition to any home and garden, consider how your garden conservatory will be used so you can choose the design that will be the most conducive to your current needs as well as your needs for the future.


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