Monday, April 09, 2007

From Cute to Stupid

I know I've written before about Knut, the baby polar bear in the German zoo that animal rights activits wanted put to death but the cuteness factor is way up there. How can anyone resist him? I can't.

On another note, 25 years ago I would visit my grandfather and watch Wheel of Fortune with him. He loved that show. He had lost most of his vision so I would tell him the letters and the blank squares so he could play along but I would get very frustrated with some of the contestants.

Fast forward to present time. I haven't watched it in years, usually because I'm never available at the time it's on to watch. I watched it tonight and I remembered why it drove me crazy. I don't understand why when a person has many letters up on the board, it's obvious what the word or phrase is and they BUY A VOWEL!! Why are they wasting their money?? They know what it is!! It is so stupid. I can't watch it again. I want to kick them in the ass and say, "smarten up!". Okay, I feel better.

Back to cuteness.

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