Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Home Alone

I'm out of school for spring break this week, I'm sure it's spring somewhere. Number One son went back to college on Monday and Sean and Number Two are on a Boy Scout trip to Baltimore and Washington D.C. It's just me and Cody holding down the fort. I think that in 25 years I have been home alone over night once or twice. I wasn't sure how I'd I like it but lo and behold, I'm enjoying it. I love peace and quiet. Something I never get at school or home. I can eat when I want to, no one to tell me they're starving and do what ever I want. (well that's not really new or different) While living it up on my own, I wouldn't want to have it this way permanently. I noticed today that I have started thinking out loud, talking to myself.

I've been chatting it up with friends, I've also been productive, cleaning every room in the house top to bottom. aaahhhh chhooooo Another thing I did was the annual spring harvest of the
"le chien epuisent". It was a bumper crop. I reaped three plastic grocery bags of it. As the snow melted our back yard looked like an archaeological dig. As each layer melted, new crops showed up. If you haven't figured out what the harvest is, it's dog poop. Now didn't that sound better in French? Having a big dog = le chien tres grand epuisent!

This is Cody in the kitchen standing next to the table. Told you he's a big boy. He's been sleeping on Sean's side of the bed while he's been gone. I can see a bedtime battle brewing come Friday night when he returns.


  1. OH that dog French or English, there is just way too much of it!
    Wouldn't it be cool if we could teach them to use the toilet? and then flush it? LOL..
    Enjoy your alone time!

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    And, did I happen to mention that I missed you terribly sweetie?? :-)

    These past couple of years have been the absolute best years of my life and marriage to you dear..I hate to admit it for fear of sounding "clingy" but I really craved your be able to snuggle you and nuzzle you with a clean shaven face each morning. How did I get so lucky to be married to a woman like don't deserve me. :-)

    ~~~Your Hubby~~~


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