Thursday, February 08, 2007

Romeo & Juliet

Have you heard the story of the ancient lovers that were found Feb 7? If not read on. In Mantua, Italy construction was on-going for a new factory when these two skeletons were unearthed. They date back to 5,000-6,000 years ago in the Neolithic period. Archaeologist Elena Menotti said the prehistoric pair are probably young people as they have all of their teeth. Menotti is also quoted as saying, "As far as we know, it's unique. Double burials from the Neolithic are unheard of and these are even hugging." Also found were some flint tools and a knife.

I find this facinating. To think that this couple had a life together, somehow died together then are found together thousands of years later. This is somewhat romantic to me, to spend eternity in the arms of your lover. Even in death you can see they cared about each other. I hope that whatever they do with them, the couple is somehow kept together as they have been for all of this time.

It makes me wonder what future archaeologists will dig up 6,000 years from now. I know it won't be me. I plan on being cremated when my time comes. I cannot stand the idea of being put in the ground. NO WAY. Scatter my ashes into the St. Lawrence River or off the shore of North Truro on Cape Cod. I sometimes tell my sons that I will stipulate that my ashes be split in half so they can each keep some of me on their mantle. They just roll their eyes at me :)

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