Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snow Day

One of the perks of working in education is that when the weather God is in a mood to mess with us, we get a snow day off from school. We have not had a snow day in 3 years. That streak ended today. Hooorrraaayyy!

It wasn't because of snow but but because of the cold. Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north, has been sending us their frigid air. I suppose one does get tired of keeping it all to themselves. The upper mid west and the northeastern part of the country are in a deep freeze.

It was so cold yesterday that the diesel fuel in the school buses froze up. Aparently the US government has mandated that there must be some sort of additive added to the fuel. Don't ask me what it's supposed to do, I have no clue. I can tell you that it does do this. When the temperature goes below 0 degrees it gets gooey and clogs the fuel filter. Ergo, the buses sieze up after running for a bit. Many of them were stranded on the side of the road yesterday while the poor kids at the bus stop were freezing. Then you have the children that walk to school. Much to cold. Rather than letting the students turn into kidcicles again today, they cancelled school. The best part was that they did so the evening before so we knew by 7 pm that we weren't going in the morning. Now we could stay up later and sleep in the next day. Who could ask for more?So all of you teachers and students that are nice and warm in your climate; ha ha, living up north does have some advantage once in a while. I bet you never get a day off because it's too hot to go to school.

This is the back of our house. It looks like a frozen waterfall.

Cody loves to eat ice cubes and when we knock down the icecicles he's in heaven. He brings them into the house and chows down. They must have some flavor to them, probably somewhat salty.

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