Sunday, February 11, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith

Anna Nicole Smith's death at age 39 is tragic in many ways. Her infant baby, Danielynn, no longer has a mother and Anna will never see her grow up. I feel for that child because as she grows up she will never escape her mother's image or the way that her mother lived and died. I happened to see an interview with Anna Nicole's mother, Vergie Arthur, on 20/20. The show went with her to the Bahama's to see if Grandma could get Dannielynn and bring her home. (I'm guessing they paid for the trip thinking they could get some good TV out of it.) Thank God she didn't. In this interview she proclaimed that she loved Anna while in the next breath, trashed her.

Ms. Arthur proceeded to tell us that when Anna Nicole made it big she never gave back to her family. They never received a dime from her. Not even when a relative developed leukemia.

This woman never shed a tear throughout the interview. That leads me to believe that there are some family dynamics going on that we're not awhare of. I can't imagine a mother talking about her less than 24 hour deceased child like that. She went on to say that while Anna worked the stripper pole she raised her first child, Danny.

While I never quite understood why someone would choose the lifestyle Anna Nicole did, I do understand that as a young wife and mother "you got to do what you've got to do" to earn money to support your family. She lived in a small town without many job opportunities. I can't judge her.

I do realize that Anna Nicole thrived on the attention she got and she used her body and looks to get that wanted attention. That's not the way I would want attention. That's just the way I am.

Growing up I had a great shape. At the time I thought I was fat. I wasn't, it was just that other girls my age didn't have the curves I did. Now I would love to have the body I had in seventh grade. But back then it brought me unwanted attention. Imagine a boy telling you, "those things jiggle when you walk." Or a high school health teacher telling you that you should go to Las Vegas because you could get a job as a showgirl. What kind of showgirl he meant I don't know. Since I'm only 5' 3" I'm much too short to be a showgirl.

I never wore revealing clothes, but now that I think of it, the clothes back in the 70's aren't like they are today. I did my best to cover up and downplay my "assets". In high school I never really knew if a boy liked me for me or because of my well endowed breasts. I didn't go on many dates for that reason and gave off a "don't bother" vibe. I had boyfriends but they were just that, friends. Into my adult life it is amazing how men can be mesmerized by a pair of big boobs. Some can't keep their eyes off of them. (insert eye roll here). I worked for a gas and electric company for 18 years, the majority of my co-workers were men. One in particular stared at them all the time. One day I finally said, "You know John, these things don't talk, look at my face when I'm speaking to you." I just got fed up. (Look at my feet all you want, I don't mind)Maybe my next post will be about my experiences with sexual harrassment.

Don't get me wrong, I can take a joke about them, I even joke about them myself, but some guys are so blatently obvious when they look. Today I am much more comfortable with them. Sometimes I think about getting them reduced but decide not to. After all they are part of who I am plus they balance out the rest of my shape. If you've got to have a curvy ass, better have the curves up front to match or else your ass just looks big.

Back to Anna Nicole Smith. Personally I find her pretty when she wore less makeup and didn't have the poofy hair. I had to search for a while to find a photo of her not all glammed up. Less is more I always say. Except when it comes to breasts. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I agree dear...less is more. To me, a woman that uses to much make up (obvious makeup) is covering up her true beauty. I think you are beautiful, even in the morning when your pretty face has "pillow marks". :-) I am so glad that you don't use hardly any makeup. I love you just the way you are!!



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