Monday, November 02, 2009

A Proud Moment

Today the USS New York LPD21 sailed into New York City up the Hudson River. What's so special about that? This ship was built with scrap steel from the World Trade Center. The USS New York has a crew of 361 sailors, can carry 700 combat ready Marines and all their equipment. As she came up the river she paused at the site of the terrorist attack and a 21 gun salute was fired off to honor the people killed in the attacks as well as hundreds of NYFD, NYPD, first responders and families that stood ashore watching her sail in. Oh how I wish I was there. It gave me chills just watching it on TV. While the New York is tied up at Pier 88 you can go aboard and tour the ship free of charge. She will be formally commissioned and inducted into the US Navy on Saturday, November 7.

The ship's motto?
Strength Forged Through Sacrifice.
Never Forget


  1. This is awesome on so many levels. Not just is this a floating memorial but it is the ultimate in green endeavors, no?

  2. Now it just needs to find something to shoot at! Come on Iran stir something up!


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