Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I've given my blog some thought and have decided that I'll continue to update it. I do enjoy it, and who knows someday I or someone close to me may want to look back at my thoughts and opinions. I love to take pictures and share them with others so the blog stays. Thanks to those that offered up support and suggestions. Anywho...

H1N1 has arrived with a vengeance. The school year started out slow with it but over the last week the virus had blossomed. We have a little over 500 students in my school and today 87 were out sick. Three that I know of have been hospitalized. The nurse's office was standing room only with sick kids waiting to be picked up. This flu hits hard, my niece had it for 9 days with pneumonia on top of it. My nephew has it now. I don't know one child or adult that has been able to get the vaccine. I'm worried for the children that have a chronic illness and the fear their parents are going through. I'm scared for my boys and they're healthy. If my college sophomore gets sick we have to go and get him, they don't want them in the dorms. My other son the nurse debated on whether to get the shot, decided to do so but now there aren't enough at the hospital for all the health care workers. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

  1. I had all three of my children vacinated within the last three weeks. I waited nearly 4 hours yesterday to have two of them taken care of. Some might call it inconvenience, I call it piece of mind....


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