Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yes sir, that's my baby...

Even though he's almost 19 years old.

This week he had four impacted wisdom teeth removed.
Here he is about one hour post op.

And about 30 hours later.
He finally goes back to college on Sunday after the world's longest holiday brake. He's been off since Dec 13. It's almost like he was never gone. Now I'll have to get used to the empty nest again. Next weekend his older brother and girlfriend may come up from NYC so it's like a revolving door.


  1. Yikes. he is gonna love you posting that second pic lol...

    My kids are at that age had his out already the other two are having theirs out in the next couple of months. Although theirs are not impacted.

  2. I had three vertibrae practically removed, and I think I looked better than that! No just kidding, I'll take back surgery over oral surgery any day......


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