Friday, January 23, 2009

Hangin' wid my gnomie

Yes, I'm still in Florida but won't leave you hangin without a post.
Maybe five or six years ago I bought this gnome at Jo-Anne's because he called to me and I thought he was cute. He looks happy and I put him in our fern garden. At first Cody barked at him every time he went outside. He finally realized that the little guy wasn't going anywhere or cut into his squirrel chasing territory. I don't usually go in for garden ketch but love this gnome.

Over the years his face started to show his age and his wardrobe was getting shabby. I gave him a full body make-over and he looked 10 years younger when I was done with him. Stacy and Clinton would approve.

He's lived in various areas of the yard like the fern garden, back by the rocks and in the flower garden. He enjoys wherever I put him, and just keeps smiling.

During the winter we place him on the patio table to measure how the deep the snowfall is.

Unfortunately his reign has come to an end. His basket of apples broke off of his back and he developed numerous cracks all over his body. No amount of plastic surgery and glue could help him. He served me well, never complained where he was placed, if it was too hot or too cold or if the dog peed on him. Now I'm on the hunt for a replacement. I'll have to check out the stores when the springtime stuff comes out. Maybe I'll find one in Florida. Check out the website
Gnome Outlet. Who knew there were so many gnomies out there!

Hhhhmmm, I don't know about this one.

I do like this one and he's almost as cute as my gnomie.

1 comment:

  1. I have the mooning yard gnome. We call him Bob Mooney. The kids love him as if he was their brother.


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