Monday, December 01, 2008

Over the Weekend

We took our youngest back to college yesterday but he will be home in 2 weeks for 39 days!! He will work some hours at his old job at Ben & Jerry's. We found out over the weekend that our oldest will be able to get home for Christmas. He and another nurse switched a few days. He comes home the 23 and returns the 30. His girlfriend is flying in on Christmas day and will leave with him on the 30th. Her family celebrates the holiday on Christmas Eve. I will have to be on my best behavior for 5 days.
On another note I heard about the incidents around the country on black Friday in Walmart and Toys R Us. This was the first time I had done shopping on that day and was surprised at how pleasant people were. Everyone waiting in line to check out was civil and chatted with each other. The only place that was chaos was Toys R Us. As a matter of fact the only grouchy people I heard in my travels were in that store and I was one of them. They need a better system.
We put up our outside Christmas lights over the weekend and also our tree. I like it up early but take it down shortly after Christmas. Once on Dec. 26 and always by New Years Eve. I love the anticipation leading up to the holidays but when it's over, I want my regular life and house back. How about you?


  1. We usually put ours up on Thanksgiving weekend and take it down the first weekend after New Years. However, we're in the (extremely slow) process of refinishing our living room floor so it's not up yet. Heck, it may not even go up this year. We'll see.

  2. I'm a tree up on the 1st and down on the 26th kind of guy, but this year we're not doing it since we leave on the 20th.

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    We got our house lit up, on the inside. I never do the outside...just seems like too much work for me and I'm lazy as everything.

    Glad your kids will be home for Christmas!


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