Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday and Friday

I hope you all had a peaceful Thanksgiving. We had dinner for ten at our house but my mom did the turkey, dressing and gravy. Thanks mom, it was delicious. My dad also helps out in the kitchen a lot. I did do some of the prep work and cooking but they did the hard part. Oh, and we cleaned my house. Hubby says it's nice to have people over once in a while so the house gets a good cleaning. Smart ass.
The chief chefs. Grandma and Grandpa, my parents.

Grandpa had an audience when getting ready to carve the bird. Please Grandpa, drop me a morsel.

This is me with my younger sister. We don't look a bit alike. She's my mom and I'm all dad.
It was a good day, no one got mad at anyone else.
That was Thursday, now for Friday.
Yes, we went shopping. We got to bed around midnight after I listed out the items we would shop for along with locations. I dragged Hubby out of bed at 3:15 AM. We arrived at Penneys at 4:00, got what we needed then on to Best Buy for our Christmas present, a Garmin GPS. BB opened at 5:00, it was 4:55 and the line to get in was around the back of the store! Decided to go to Pep Boys because they had almost the same model for 10 bucks more. It was worth it to stand in a much shorter line except when we got in they were out of the one we wanted. We wanted the model that speaks the street names. Back to Best Buy and by now everyone was in the store. Hub dropped me off at the door, I went in and had it by the time he got in. They had a great line system set up through the appliance dept. It was like Disney World. the line moved very quickly and efficiently.
5:30 Next on to Toys R Us for a talking Elmo for our 3 yr old niece. Holy name of Jesus! The store was packed and the lines were snaking through the store. People couldn't shop because the lines were through the aisles. We waited in a line for about 10 minutes then an employee came to our part of the line and said we were all in the line for electronics. I asked how would we know and he pointed to two blue tape arrows on the floor going in different directions. I said, "Oh, I see it now clear as day, those arrows explain it all." Insert eye roll here. That was the only time I was somewhat snarky. I did feel bad about that later, that poor kid. We decided to leave without Elmo. Upon leaving there were three managers up front marveling how smoothly the lines were moving. I said, "not in the back, it's a nightmare" and would have told them how I really felt but Mike dragged me out the door.
Next stop; Target and of course there was a line to get in, they opened at 6:00. We got in very quickly and headed back to electronics. Where everyone in the store was. There was a roadblock of shopping carts where everyone had abandoned them. Eventually got what we wanted and left.
Next A.C. Moore, Circuit City and Bed Bath & Beyond where we were successful in 2 out of 3 stores. CC was out of what we wanted.
All that shopping and we returned home, were back in bed by 7:45 and didn't get up until noon. All totalled we would have spent $478.00 including tax but with the sales we spent $253.00 tax included for a savings of $225.00, just under 50%.
Now it's 8:00 pm, my 10 yr old nephew is spending the night and we're watching Kung Fu Panda. I have my feet up.


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Whew woman, I am exhausted just reading that! I didn't do any shopping.

  2. Insane. I'm glad you have the energy for such pursuits. I did the bulk of my holiday shopping online, mostly before turkey day. I've never wanted anything that popular that there was some phenomenal deal going on Black Friday for it. I am keeping my fingers crossed however. Amazon is doing an 'invitation only' sale on select items over the next few days. I missed the 'invitation' on Thursday and Friday. Maybe today or tomorrow will be different. I would LOVE to pay $99 for a Sony Bluray disk player.

  3. I admire your black friday skills. I couldn't have done it.


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