Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Road Trip

I had Tuesday off from school for Veteran's Day
and hubby took the afternoon off. We decided to go on a road trip.
Getting on the New York State Thruway.

We travel this stretch of highway often to get to Cape Cod, the 1000 Islands, Adirondack Mountains and NYC. I wish we were going to New York City to see our oldest but alas, that's a road trip for another time.

We were travelling along listening to a radio station that was playing music from the 1970's, the years I was a teenager. While most of the time I love listening to that music for some reason today it made me feel very melancholy. On top of that I saw this sign. Kevin went to Binghamton University for four years when he was in nursing school. I thought of all the times we went to visit him, took him to school and brought him home and now he's not so easy to get to. You can guess what started leaking. I am a sentimental old fool.

We missed our exit off the thruway so we had to go out of our way a little bit but in doing so we saw the Sunshine Cafe. The picture doesn't show it but with the dismal sky, the yellow truly looked like a warm, sunny oasis. So back to the road trip...

Our destination was the
turkey restaurant that we often stop at on the way home from vacations. It's in Cicero, a small suburb of Syracuse. Yes, we drove 90 miles for a turkey club sandwich. But it's oh so good. The bread is homemade and lightly toasted, the turkey is hand carved and warm, not like turkey slices from the deli. The bacon is just right and they use real mayo. I always buy light mayo and seldom have the real thing. Plus as a bonus, unbeknown to us, Tuesday is free piece of pie day with your meal.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    90 miles for a turkey sammich? Well, gas prices are plummeting anyway.

    The sammich is HUGE!


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