Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

During peacetime and war our Veterans were there for our country.
Today and everyday, honor them.

Our nephew was in the Army for 7 years and did his basic training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma. He then spent time in the 10th Mountain Division out of Fort Drum. During this time he trained and became an Army Ranger where part of his training was to live in the swamps of Louisiana for three weeks, taking nothing with him. After two years he re-upped for five more and was offered the position of instructor at Army Jump School in Fort Benning, Georgia or serve overseas at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu. While he loved jumping out of planes he chose Hawaii where he and his wife lived for 4 years. My great nephew was born there Sept. 13, 2001. He was trained in urban warfare eventually becoming an instructor. He also reached the rank of Sergeant.
He decided not to re-enlist and was to spend his last year teaching the tactics of urban warfare to fellow soldiers at Fort Campbell but his pedigree caught up with him. The Army realized how valuable his skills were and sent him to Iraq. He served there with the 101st Airborne were he and his men went up ahead of the troops and cleaned out vacant buildings of snipers. He earned a Bronze Star for something that happened during this time but has never told us what it was.
Today is he out of the Army, is married and has three children. I'm sending you a big hug today!


  1. Yet another in a long line of American heroes....I salute you sir & I salute all those who have ever worn the uniform and all those who still wear it today...Here's to the Army and Navy and the battles they have won... here's to America's colors, the colors that never run.....May the wings of liberty never lose a feather......


  2. What a great story, thanks for sharing. I'm sending tons of gratitude today to all our soldiers.


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