Thursday, April 17, 2008

Song Titles

We are having some absolutely perfect weather today. Sunny with a temp of 75. So far my day can be be summed up by song titles. The first being one of my most favorite songs. Did you ever feel like a song was written just for you. Everything about it screams "that's me! How did he know?"
I was sitting out back in the swing doing a crossword puzzle and it was hot. I went inside and changed into shorts. Upon my return to the patio my legs were glowing and I was blinded by the light. Boy do I need a tan and fast. This leads into the next song title: Blinded by the Light by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. This is circa 1976 and I was in high school. For years I though he was singing "cut loose like a douche anther runner in the night" and I would think, I don't get it, what does a douche have to do with this? But upon further research I found out he is singing deuce. I guess maybe like a two dollar bill? I don't know.

The third song goes along with a previous post that I did a year ago but I'm going to bring it up again. It's that time of the year when a young girl's heart (Me. Well I'm not so young anymore) turns to the mustang. No, not the horse, I'm afraid of horses, they're too big and have big ugly teeth. This The song: Mustang Sally I've linked two versions the first one is a remake, the second, the original by Wilson Picket. Which one do you like better.
I have my favorite.

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