Wednesday, January 23, 2008


With the writers strike never ending I've turned to some different TV watching. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm becoming hooked on reality TV. After watching different shows I've come to the conclusion that my life is like, totally boring. Our family isn't extreme enough in any direction to go on Wife Swap, I'm not married to a celebrity so no drama there, my kids were perfect angels compared to the kids on Supernanny, I don't need to go into rehab and have Dr. Drew get me through withdrawal and I'm not single so no hot dating shows for me.

I'm usually left shaking my head after watching these shows. I wonder are these people for real?? A family of clowns? This was an actual episode of Wife Swap. Dad made about 37k a year and wife was attending clown college for 36k a year. Mom, Dad and 7 yr old daughter dressed like and wore clown makeup. She swapped with a wife that ran her house like military boot camp.

Celebrity Rehab has Dr. Drew trying to help celebs kick the habit. The most disturbing celeb is Jeff Conway formerly of Taxi and Grease. I was shocked. He is in a wheelchair and totally wasted. Recently I heard grumblings that this show was exploiting these people and going too far. Hell no, young people and even older peeps should see the nitty gritty of drug and alochol addiction. Some of it is raw.

My Fair Brady, another train wreck that I can't stop watching. Christopher Knight aka Peter Brady is married to an America's Top Model winner Adriane Curry. He's over 20 yrs older than her. I tried to watch "Scott Baio is 47 and Pregnant but he is just too whiny and his girlfriend is annoying. I'm anxiously awaiting a new season of Family Jewels which is the Gene "kiss" Simmons/Shannon Tweed reality show. Oh and then there's American Idol, Survivor and Amazing Race. Help me before my mind turns to mush!

If you're looking for something new and like dark comedy check out Dexter on CBC starting Sunday, February 17 at 10:00. It's about a serial killer but a good serial killer. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but trust me, it's good. It's originally from Showtime. We bought the first season on DVD, loved it and switched from HBO to Showtime so we could watch season 2. LOVE IT! If you're looking for a few good laughs rent the Fox sitcom Arrested Development it is hilarious. I laugh almost constantly. You won't be disappointed.

Now just so you don't think I'm a total air head I do watch National Geographic, CNN and the History Channel.


  1. Dexter and Arrested Development...two of my favorite all time shows!

  2. Wife Swap is my guilty pleasure. I sit around judging their judgmentalness. Dexter sounds interesting, I'll check it out.

  3. I can't wait for Dexter!! They should prolly make all Junior High and High School kids watch that rehab show.

  4. Since we have digital cable, we have loads of choices. We typically watch shows on the Travel Channel and BBCA. The strike has not effected our viewing habits too much. Lost will be back this week (hooray!). We are missing Heroes though. I'm hoping that some of the spring/summer shows that we normally watch come May will have a couple of scripts in the can ready to go, or that the strike will be over by then ("Rescue Me", "The 4400", and "The Riches").

    I wish the writers the best. Hopefully, they can settle this crap soon.


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