Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Allure of the Voice

Is this not one of the sexiest guys around?? I love that he's not a pretty boy, doesn't have perfect features and the voice, oh the voice. What made me think of him was while watching the Green Bay/New York Giants football game there was a commerical for Coors. Sam Elliott was the voice over. I'd buy anything he was hawking.


  1. Voices draw me in a great deal too. There are a few actors who got my attention with the voice, and really didn't have 'pretty boy' looks that would have gotten my attention otherwise. Michael Wincott is one of my favorites. He typically plays villains.

    There are bands that have gotten my attention because of a unique vocal as well. The lead singer from Crash Test Dummies really does it for me with his extreme melodic bass.

  2. Yeah, he turns me on too! :)

    Wasn't he in The Big Lebowski?

  3. mmm I can almost smell the sweat and dust on him.. ahem..excuse me..did I say that outloud?????

  4. Kitten, I tend to enjoy singers with a raspy voice a la Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart

    Chuck,yes S.E. was the narrator in that movie.

    Sandi, yeah, you said what I was thinking :)

  5. I love, love, love his voice! Grrr...

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I like him for his acting abilities, not his looks.

    Personally, his breasts are too small for my liking.

    Not that I've paid a lot of attention to them, ok?


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