Wednesday, December 26, 2007


It's over, thank goodness. While I love the weeks leading up to Christmas by the actual day I am exhausted. I end up taking a nap for a few hours in the afternoon while everyone plays with the gifts that Santa brought.

Christmas Eve we go to my husband's side of the family. We got there at the appointed time and found out that our great nephew and niece age 6 and 2 had already opened all of their gifts and they were loaded in the family car. Seems that their mother, my niece-in-law decided that they needed to be opened early. When my kids were little they waited until at least 7:00 pm when their cousins got off from work. Then when 10 pm rolled around and I said that we had to leave to get the kids home in bed I was told I was a party pooper. Apparently their mother has more moxie than I did.

This picture is Christmas Day at my sister's house. Number 2 son loves what I call his "Elmer Fudd" hat. My sister's family has a 4 month old golden retriever puppy named Maise. She is a little devil but cute as hell. Good thing too, she gets into everything. Christmas day it was any tissue paper and ribbon she could find and there was plenty.

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and are recovering nicely.


  1. you have a great looking family:) and my son wants one of those hats for his birthday on saturday heh.

  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Spending time with the fam....that's what it's all about!

    Sounds like ya'll had a good one, girl!


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