Thursday, December 27, 2007


I was in one of my favorite stores tonight, Barnes and Noble, looking at their wall calendars since 2008 will be here in a few short days. I got a great little desk calendar for Christmas from hubby entitled "George W. Bushisms; The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President". I love it! Three hundred sixty five quotes from the man and there are some doozies. In 2008 I plan on posting the quote from each day so if I have nothing to say you can read the wit and wisdom of the prez. Now I know that I may not sound very nice, it's just that I often wonder how he became to be governor of Texas let alone President of the United States. Well I do know actually, money, power, nepotism etc. I don't know how he got through Yale. Well, yes I do. I will admit that being the leader of any country is an extremely dangerous, thankless, hard job (Benazir Bhutto, a perfect example) It also comes with many things to remember and hard words to pronounce. I am positive I wouldn't be any better at it than he. But, and this is a big but, surely you must be able to think on your feet and be able to express "an off the cuff" thought. I will say this, I am grateful that I live in a country where I can voice those opinions.

Back to the original point of this post; calendars. I'll say this, there is a calendar for every walk of life, any interest. Well not any, B&N is a family oriented store. I saw calendars about real live witches, not fairy tale witches. There was your typical model calendars, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, Hotbuns, Daily Hunk and Studs n' Spurs. Every kind of dog breed calendar, a Zombie calendar,

a nun calendar and I loved this one, Extreme Ironing. Yes, photos of people ironing clothes in extreme places. I don't like to iron in my house let alone anyplace extreme. Anyway, I couldn't decide between a New York City calendar or a hummingbird calendar. Which did I pick? As you know I love NYC but I also love hummingbirds. All summer long I try and photograph the hummingbird that comes to my garden. He's very territorial and will chase away other hummers that wander into his feeding ground. I never manage to get a good pic and I've taken hundreds. He's always blurry. The best photo I ever took was the one above. Can you find him? One day hubby comes out and I hand him the camera. The bird flits over almost right next to him, he's not shy and Hubby gets the best picture ever.
I ended up going for the hummingbird calendar.

And all of their calendars are 50% off too!!


  1. I really need to get a calendar, I have been putting it off. You have inspired me to get one today!

  2. Up here they call hummingbirds "houseflybirds".

  3. We picked up a few kitty calendars at the local craft store earlier this month. They were $1 each! We also, typically, get two or three calendars in the mail from various causes we support. While I usually don't 'have' to buy a calendar, I do like to have one on hand that makes me laugh. Last year's indulgence was the Happy Bunny calendar. I just love the little obnoxious guy. One of my secret ways to lift my mood is to wear Happy Bunny socks. That way, I can enjoy his attitude with no one else being the wiser. See: for typical Happy Bunny obnoxious merchandise. :D


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