Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our number one son is in his third year of nursing school. He attends a university with one of the best nursing programs and that has the highest percentage of male students, 16%. He started out in pre-med, doing one year of it. Just before returning for his second year he told me that he decided to go into nursing. At first I thought he was kidding me. Then he started telling me why.

Seems that he had been giving being a doctor much thought. He considered how much time and sacrifice it was going to take, how long it would be before he would be able to have a private practice and how much the malpractice insurance would be. He thought about how little time he would have with each patient as a doctor. He was aware of how some people may perceive him. Possibly as someone who couldn't hack med school or that nursing is for women. Everyone has been very supportive of him. Since the Viet Nam war there are many more males in nursing than ever before. I couldn't be prouder of him.

After thinking it over he decided that nursing would be for him. He is planning on becoming a nurse practitioner which is six years of school or maybe a nurse anaesthetist. Nursing is hard work but he's got what it takes.

A local hospital has a summer nurse residency program. You are assigned to a nurse and work with them, whatever their shift is. It is very competitive to get into, the requirements are high and the educational value is huge. They are interviewing now, but you have until April 3 to get your application in. There are 24 job openings and so far 73 applicants with interviews continuing. Number one son had his interview Friday, March 4. They called him on Monday, March 7. He was offered a job and will be working in the cardiac care unit. Did I say I couldn't be prouder?

I'm sorry this is such a bragging post but I love him so much it makes my heart hurt sometimes.

1 comment:

  1.'s a parent's perogative to brag now and then :) You SHOULD be proud..that is awesome!!! :)


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