Thursday, March 15, 2007

Going South?

Every winter I say that I am moving South in a few years. The older I get, the more I hate the cold and snow.

I would like to live someplace that receives more sunshine than I get here. Somewhere that is green throughout the year. I don't like naked trees and here in the North, the trees are naked six months of the year.

But, I don't do well in extream heat. I melt. I like it between 75 to 80 degrees and not too humid.

I'm afraid of wind so a location that is frequented by tornados and hurricanes is out.

Then my father sends me pictures and news stories of weird things that happen in Florida. (My parents live there 5 months of the year)
Maybe this is their way of keeping me up North.

I don't want to worry about some rogue alligator snacking on my dog or ringing my doorbell.

Or snakes finding their way into my computer. I have enough computer trouble without that.

Not to mention the insect life down South. I am not a bug person. Yes, I realize the world needs insects in it. I just don't want them up close and personal in my world.

The Red Widow, a native of Florida as well as the Florida Bark Scorpion just make me cringe. If I lived down there, they would find me. I'm a magnet for that kind of stuff. I'm allergic to cats. If I'm at someone's home that has one, it loves me. It wants to be on my lap or around my legs.

I don't mind the little lizards that sun themselves on the patio or at the pool and scamper away when you go near them. They look sort of cute but do they get in your house? If so, that's one less lizard in the world.

When I reread this post it seems like maybe the South is not for me after all. Up here all I have to worry about is 2 feet at a time of lake effect snow off of one of the Great Lakes, the occasional ice storm, power outages, okay, I've lived with that all my life. We don't have tornados, hurricanes, scorpions, alligators, palmetto bugs etc.

It's a great place to visit but do I really want to live there??

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