Saturday, February 17, 2007

It looks like I'm not the only living creature waiting for spring. Sean and I stopped at one of our favorite summertime spots last week and oh, was it freezing. When it gets super cold like this I worry and wonder about all of the animals. How do they stay warm? Take these seagulls floating about on an iceberg, how can their little webbed feet not be frozen? I'm sure if they had a taste of where their cousins live down south, they'd head there next winter.

Seagulls can be a pain in the neck with the noise and the aggressivness they show if food is around. They're a beautiful bird though with the soft grey, white and black feathers.I hate when a bunch fly over my head. I can only think, "please don't poop on me". I've had it happen, right on my shoulder. Yuk.

What's worse is pelican poop (PP). One got my father down in Florida. I'm used to little birds up north like cardinals, robins, gold finches, song birds but pelican droppings are huge. If you get hit with PP, you know it. Of course it was pretty funny and I tried not to laugh. (I wasn't successful) I'm sure I wouldn't have seen the humor in it if I was the victim. Good thing my dad is bald and he could just wash it off.

Cody after our Valentine's Day snowstorm. He looks so cute but when he comes inside he leaves little snowballs everywhere which in turn melt, which then I step in and get wet socks.

While it is winter here in the northern United States, it's not winter in other parts of the world. Perhaps I need to move to the southern hemisphere. A friend sent me some lovely pictures from their garden that are blooming now. It cheered me up, seeing this glimpse of summer and reminded me that our time will come in a few months. I especially loved this dahlia. It reminds me of fireworks, another thing I enjoy in the summer.

I'm sure I've bored you to death with my complaining about the weather so I'm done with it. I won't do it anymore. At least I'll try not to.

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