Monday, February 19, 2007

Bald is Beautiful, If You're A Guy

Let me go on record that I happen to think that bald guys are handsome. I don't know why. The most handsome bald man is Emmitt Smith, Andre Aggasi, Michael Jordan, Bruce Willis,Yul Brenner, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Samual L. Jackson (sometimes bald), The Rock, Billy Zane, and my Number One Son just to mention a few. I'm sure there are many more baldies, this is who I can think of off the top of my head. (no pun intended)

There are even some ladies that can pull off the bald look. Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3, Natalie Portman in a Star Wars movie and Demi Moore in G. I. Jane.

One that does not look good bald is Britney Spears. Between driving with her baby on her lap, partying all over town with professional sleaze, Paris Hilton, showing her nether regions with not wearing any underwear and now shaving her head, she is well on her way to a very public meltdown. I have no idea as to why she would shave her head but is anyone really that surprised? Looks like Kevin may get those boys after all. She needs to go and hide under a rock for a few months and stop demanding that all pay attention to her. I hate to see her go off the deep end like this but she's bringing it on herself. I never thought that I'd write about Brit but she's forcing me do it.

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