Thursday, January 11, 2007


I planned on writing about President Bush's plan to send even more troops to Iraq but it is too depressing. We just keep getting deeper and deeper. Men and women keep dieing. It's sad...

Last night I watched Primetime Live and they had a story about the world's smallest people. They have a type of dwarfism called Primordial Dwarfism. From the time of conception these babies do not grow normally in stature, hense the name "primordial" meaning from the beginning. The babies are perfectly formed unlike other types of dwarfism. Primordial is the most severe type and it is estimated that there only about 100 people with it in the world.

Primetime profiled a little girl named Kenadie-Jourdin Bromley. She was born Feb. 13, 2003 and weighed just 2 lbs 8oz. Kenadie isn't expected to grow beyond 30 inches tall. She will be 4 years old next month and now weighs 10 lbs. There is a website about her and I encourage you to check it out.

Kenadie has found a way into my heart. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since I saw her. My son thinks she is "kind of weird looking" but I think she is beautiful. That must be the mother in me. There is something about the look of wonder on her face, her smile. She looks like a little pixie. Kenadie has loving parents and a younger brother. I'd post some pictures of her but they're copyrighted and they ask that they not be downloaded so I'll respect their wishes.

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