Sunday, January 14, 2007

Potty Talk

This isn't about the potty talk you may think. It's more like potty etiquette. As you may or may not know, I am the only female in a male household with husband Sean, number one son age 20 and number two son age 16. Even our dog Cody is male. At last count he has 5 of these squeeky footballs around the house. The other day I woke up with one next to my pillow.

Back to the etiquette. I'm not one of those females that rant and rave about the seat being left up. I don't care. I have to look before I sit anyway because our big dog, the aforementioned Cody, likes to drink out of the toilet. Yes, I know, eeeeewwwww, but that's the way it is here. We have tried leaving bowls of water for him but he prefers the more sophisticated taste of toilet water. The problem with that is that when he gets a drink he gets water all over the seat. Nothing worse than sitting on a wet seat. Even if it is just water. If I get up in the middle of the night I still look for a wet seat so I will notice if the seat is up or down.

My beef with the bathroom is the toilet paper, which will know be refered to as TP. Men, do you not know we ladies use TP everytime we use the bathroom. I realize that you don't but we do. The men in my life are aware of this fact because I can be very vocal about it. That means when you do take care of business that needs TP and you happen to use up the roll, please be kind and replace it with a new roll. This is all we ask.

As for me, I'm not picky about whether the paper comes off the top or from the back. I'll change it to the way I like. I don't even care if you're too lazy to put it in the holder as long as you get one out. It is so easy at my house as we have a drawer right next to toilette (it sounds better in French). I ask that if you use the last roll from the drawer, please go under the sink and get more. It's most inconvienent when you don't. There's nothing worse than when you've done bubbles and there is no paper.

What the hell are bubbles you may be wondering. When son number one was being potty trained, the first time he stood up and peed he saw that it made bubbles in the water. He was so excited that everytime he had to go, he said he had to do bubbles. So 17 years later we still call it that. It sounds so much nicer than, "I have to take a piss" don't you agree?

This isn't something I would normally share with other people but if I can educate just one man, then it was worth it. :)

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