Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are You Kidding?

In June at the end of the school year I received a gift card to Barnes & Noble from my class. It was perfect for me since I love books. In Saturday's paper there was a little article about a book entitled Botanical Drawing in Color. Voila, I found what I'd spend my gift card on. The book was $24.95, I'd only have to spend $4.95 plus tax on it.

Yesterday I was going to head over to B&N to pick up the book. I had a 40% off coupon for Michael's so I could buy some good colored pencils to go with it. But before I left I decided to check Amazon. Their price for the same book? $16.49 a savings of 34% Then I noticed that it was a paperback book. Holy cats, 25 bucks for that?! No way I was buying it at B&N even with a gift card. The total price at Amazon including shipping and tax was $22.12, less than B&N retail price. In the end I didn't get the book from either place. Funny thing was the next time I logged onto the computer this was the front page story on Yahoo.

1 comment:

  1. I purchase all of my books off of amazon. I typically look for aviation encyclopedias and on Amazon, I can get one that normally retails for $40 for less than $10. On rare occasions, I have gotten 3-4 books for less than $10! The high prices of books and the advent of the Kindle are many of the reasons that conventional book stores are now dinosaurs...


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