Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My sister plays Bingo every week except during the summer, I play about twice a year. I just can't stand the cigarette smoke. My son and I decided that we'd go this week before he leaves for school so we talked her into playing. He won one of the early games and had to split the pot with 2 other winners for a total of $16.00 each. That was nice, he got his initial investment of 10 bucks back and made 6. (we each played 20.00 worth of cards, I chipped in and paid his other $10). The evening goes on and up comes the big money game of the night. His aunt tells us this is the game you want to win...

When he found out it was a $525.00 pot and he was the sole winner he was incredulous as well as in shock. He's moving off campus this year into an apartment and needs everything so this windfall is perfect timing. He's always been a lucky kid, things just go his way. There were four of us at the table; Cam won the big money, my sister won 50.00, her friend Liz won 160.00 and I won, wait for it...
Maybe it's because I'm a terrible bingo player. I'm always behind on my numbers and heaven forbid you talk to me while I'm playing. I can't do that and look for numbers at the same time. I need remedial bingo or special people's bingo. Plus it's too stressful. You come so freaking close and then someone else yells, "Bingo" I just want to bitch slap them.

The big winner.
He could not stop smiling and neither could I.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome is that?? Way to go Cam, I bet that was a fun time!


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