Saturday, May 15, 2010

This is a busy time of year in kindergarten. We're starting to wrap things up, making class lists for their first grade next year, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Only about 7 weeks to go. This past week our kindergarten went to the zoo. We have a half day program so there are 2 classes in the morning, 2 classes in the afternoon. On zoo days first the morning class attends for the entire day, going to the zoo and eating lunch in the cafeteria and the afternoon class has the day off. The next day is reversed. They're thrilled to buy lunch and eat in the cafeteria. Not all want to do that so they bring their lunch. That being said, what do these four items have in common?

A full can of Pringles...
A chocolate covered, cream filled donut...

A cup of cookies...

And a regular Coke.
They are what a kindergartner brought for her lunch. I couldn't believe it. I took her can of Pringles, opened it and put a stack in a baggie. She was mad and didn't understand why I wouldn't let her take the whole can down. I just couldn't in all good conscience. I think my blood sugar went up just looking at her lunch. Geez, what were her parents thinking? I guess maybe they weren't. Anyway at the zoo...

we saw the two white Rhinos.

My students are always surprised when I say I don't like monkeys. I find them creepy and this is why. Look at those teeth and they're always picking at each other then eating the bugs they find. This is an Olive Baboon.

I've been to the zoo many times and this is the first time I've ever seen one of the polar bears outside. They have absolutely no human contact. Look at those feet.

Now I thought this little guy was cute, a plated lizard. He smiled for the camera.

Poison frogs from the rainforest. Sorry they're blurry.

There are two elephants; one named Lilac because Rochester has a park full of lilacs and every May there's a huge festival and the other is Genny C named after the river that runs through the city, the Genesee. Or maybe named after the beer brewed here, Genesee Beer. I'm not sure why she put the straw on her head, maybe she was entertaining us because the kids loved it.

This was the cutest couple. They loved watching the children on the playground. I hope I'm like that if I get to that age.

1 comment:

  1. That is indeed a downright crazy lunch. Mine are picky eaters since two of them have Aspergers, but I try to put things that are healthy in there along with the snacks. That lunch was definately a gut buster!


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