Thursday, April 08, 2010

Music to my Ears

There's much to love about my new car. The smooth, quiet ride, the heated leather seats which I have to say are pretty awesome and fantastic when you have cold like we do here in western New York. But what I love the most and didn't think I cared about is this...

Sirius XM Radio. I have a short commute to work, seriously, three minutes, four on a snowy day but in that time I never hear any music because all the morning shows do for the most part is TALK. So everyday on the way to school I would listen to my Allman Brothers CD, Blue Sky to be specific.

It's a nice, calm song to start your day with if you're going to be working with 30 kindergartners.
Back to XM radio. I LOVE it. No commericals, no talk, okay maybe a smidge but it's 99.5% music. I love that I can listen to any genre I want and most of the time its set to 60's on 6, 70's on 7 or 80's on 8. Where else can you hear these blasts from the past like Tubular Bells from The Exorcist movie, Too Shy by Kajagoogoo, Manic Monday by the Bangles which I didn't know this, was written by Prince. I even learned that Rogers is his last name. Then there's Bobby Sherman's Julie, Julie, Julie, Do you love me? Don't laugh, I loved Bobby Sherman, in 1970 when this song came out I was 12 years old.

Or how about Men Without Hats and the Safety Dance? Gotta love it.

Another song from 1968, I was 10 years old; Jeannie C. Riley's Harper Valley PTA. You don't hear that on regular radio.

Lest you think I'm about the cheese, here's another favorite from 1970's recorded by Janis Joplin for her album Pearl just several days before she died. I also learned that Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster wrote this song. I love me some Kristofferson and that raspy voice. On a side note, A Star is Born, great movie with Babs.

Another blast from the past, Gordon Lightfoot 1979. This song can bring on the tears.

I don't listen to much popular music of today, I prefer to remain in the past with the songs of my youth. At times it brings back such happy memories and other times makes me feel blue for the time gone by and what once was.

Before I even got in the car to drive home from the dealer I'd decided that I'd use the free three months of the XM radio and that would be that but now $12.95 a month is a small price to pay for all of these memories.

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