Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do you like to read?

I can never understand why some people don't like to read. I've always been a prolific reader. As a kid my mom took me to the public library every Wednesday where I eventually checked out and read every Nancy Drew mystery they had. To this day I don't go anywhere without a book in case I have a few minutes to read. When my own boys were young I took them to the public library and have instilled a love of books. Hubby, he never reads and I blame his dad. As a kid his father made him read for 30 minutes after dinner every night before he could go out and play with the neighborhood kids. He hated that and fast forward to today, he doesn't enjoy reading at all and does as little as possible. I think that's so sad.
I'd gotten away from reading for awhile when I got into blogging and reading blogs as well as my addiction to Facebook and Farmville. I've decided I need to do more reading and have become a regular again at the library. What makes me look at a certain book? I don't judge a book by it's cover but I do by the title. The title has to pique my interest, then I read the inside front flap as well as the first page. I've got a bunch of favorite authors and one is Steven King although I like Dean Koontz a smidge better. S.K. has a new book out and was thrilled when I saw it on the new release shelf, as a matter of fact I was the first person to check it out. Thank goodness it wasn't a 7 day speed read book because this sucker is huge. And unusual.
For one thing there is nothing on the inside front or rear flap or back of the book to tell you anything about it. Ok, I like his books especially The Stand, Needful Things and the very scary It so I eagerly checked out the book.

Here's the thing; I gave up on this book. It has 1072 pages which doesn't intimidate me at all. I love long books but it was the weight. On the way to the library to return the book I stopped at the post office and weighed the tome on their digital scale. It weighed in at 3 lbs. 11.3 oz. Compared to a bag of sugar or flour at 5 lbs Under The Dome may seem light but for a book, that thing is heavy. I like to read in bed and holding it is awkward. Even sitting up it was a struggle to hold it. I hope King is successful with this endeavour but it's got a few strikes against it in my book. No pun intended :)


  1. Is it available strictly as a hard back book? Maybe it would be easier to hold as a paper back :-) Although it may be too many pages for that...

  2. Yikes! That last comment needs a flushing, no?

    FYI, I have Under the Dome on audio. 32 hours (I think). It's gonna kill me, I know. But, the summary online sounded quite intriguing.

    My favorite Koontz book is The Watchers, but I do love the Odd Thomas series. My favorite SK's are It and The Stand.


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