Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

It's Columbus Day and I have it off from school. I've been busy today cleaning, cleaning things I don't usually clean because they're a pain in the neck but...
my parents had their house up for sale and it sold. They're moving into a townhouse that isn't built yet but no problem because they leave for Florida October 28 and will be there through April. Except here's the thing, they close on the house October 15. That means they'll be homeless for 13 days. Well not really because they're coming to stay with me and hubby. He's a good sport because there is no way that I could deal with his parents living with us for one day let alone thirteen!
Back to cleaning. My cup and saucer collection is very special to me. I have some from my grandmother, mom , dear old neighbor as well as some I bought at antique shows. My kitchen has the perfect window to display them but they're a pain in the neck to clean. I don't put them in the dishwasher, I hand wash and dry each piece. I only do it twice a year or so for that reason. As long as no one does the white glove test on the glass shelves I can get away with it. But when someone disturbs the protective coating of dust then I have to clean them. Someone in my house will do that and when I find out who it is, they will help me clean.

The second one from the left in the back was my grandmother's. She bought it to celebrate 50 years of marriage to my grandfather. They've both been gone over 25 years and I still miss them. I had a dream just last week with them in it and I woke up in the most peaceful and happy mood. The fourth one in the back is from an elderly neighbor, that I took care of for years, driving her to appointments, doing her laundry, bringing her dinner etc. and Mrs. Rowland was originally from Nova Scotia where she bought this set.

This gold and white cup is also from Mrs. R. (I never called her by her first name, 27 years ago she walked over to introduce herself as Mrs. Rowland so I always called her that or Mrs. R.) This cup and saucer belonged to her mother and has a sticker on the bottom that says 1899. The blue and gold cup came from Russia and is one of my favorites. Okay, back to work for me, lots more to dust...

1 comment:

  1. Lived with my in-laws for nearly a full year. ACK!!! Hubby and I cracked a bottle of champagne the day they left ... SERIOUSLY.


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