On that note I'm so pleased that Jordan won Big Brother 11. I understand that BB is a game but it's renewed my faith that there are kind, guileless, honest, genuine people out there who can come out on top. Jordan won by a vote of 5 to 2 over Natalie who lied, schemed, sold out, back stabbed and chewed with her mouth open as well as talked with her mouth full. That drove me crazy, can you tell?
Natalie attached herself to whoever was in power, didn't try in competitions and lied constantly. I will admit the Natalie and Kevin's lie to Jeff was brilliant and it's part of the game but Jordan for the most part remained true to herself, was sweet and friendly, somewhat ditsy at times but was kind to all.
I'm looking forward to Big Brother 12 and wish I didn't have to wait until next summer. This year I subscribed to the live feed and was totally hooked on it. Thank goodness I have the summer off. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.
One last thing, how classy was it of Beyonce to have Taylor Swift come back on stage to have her moment. We need more of those kinds of people.
Humankind; be both