Thursday, September 03, 2009


I had to go to school three days this week but the student's first day of school is Tuesday. I've been busy helping to get our two kindergarten classrooms ready including doing the bulletin boards.

Two like this for morning and afternoon kindergarten...
and two like this. For some reason this picture won't enlarge but the white boxes are cereal boxes that say Special K indergarter and then a bowl with A B C's and 1 ,2, 3 in it with their name on the bowl.
Look! We have a smart board in our classroom. But it's smarter than us right now because neither one of us know how to use it yet. I'm ready as I can be so bring on them 4 and 5 year olds!!


  1. Those are adorable bulleting boards! Made me a little homesick for my childcare days lol. I used to love doing all that stuff.
    I sure hope that your years starts off fantastic! :)

  2. I'm glad that they didn't drag you to the first grade like you feared that they might. Good luck!


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