Wednesday, August 05, 2009

NYC Year Two

These photos have absolutely nothing to do with my post but I thought they were pretty.
My son Kevin moved into his second apartment in New York City last week and we weren't there. I thought I'd be happy about that after last year but I'm not. We moved him down and it was tough. The driving down with a loaded truck not having the faintest idea where we were going was nerve wracking and the actual physical moving part was a lot of work. Thank goodness the building was new and had an elevator because he was on the 4th floor. Then there's the unpacking and organizing, ugh.
A little zinnia bud.
This time we stayed here while 3 of his friends from home timed a visit just in time to help him move. Now he's on the second floor with no elevator. That's what happens when you get free lodging in NYC, you're part of the moving party. All went well but...

Getting Bigger...
Now here's the part that makes me wish I was there. He calls me with questions about curtains and rods. His apartment is on the side of the building and he has lots of windows. He called asking about shower heads, taking the old one off and installing a new one. Hubby had to tell him what tools he needed and how to get the old stubborn one off. The little things. The final stage!
This makes me wish I was there to help in person rather than over the phone. But he's got to learn these things on his own.
But it's nice to know he still needs us.

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