Sunday, August 02, 2009

And now a message from 1967 and The Young Rascals

Groovin'...on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon
I can't imagine anything that's better
The world is ours whenever we're together
There ain't a place I'd like to be instead of...
Groovin'...down a crowded avenue
Doin' anything we like to do
There's always lots of things that we can see
We can be anyone we want to be
And all those happy people we could meet just...
Groovin'...on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon
We'll keep on spending sunny days this way
We're gonna talk and laugh our time away
I feel it comin' closer day by day
Life would be ecstasy, you and me endlessly...
Groovin'...on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon

Playing Sorry out on the patio.

My knee is really acting up this past week. I can hardly walk on it at times and it keeps on wanting to collapse. We're going away this weekend with the kids and the girlfriend so I hope it feels better. And it surly better be well for school in five weeks. I'm giving it another week and if no improvement it's off to the orthopedist for another shot under the kneecap. Something I swore I'd never do again after last time but oh my aching knee.

A hot dog

Everything needs a drink of water. The wasps get more use out of my bird bath than the birds.

I like his shadow,
it reminds me of Plankton from Sponge Bob.

Gertie, our hummingbird. I call her that because when she sits in the dogwood tree she looks like a gerkin so I referred to her as my little pickle but hubby said we should call her Gertie.

My kindergartner that I worked with this last school year was obsessed with the color yellow and anything with wings, especially fairies and butterflies so when this beauty was flitting about my garden I immediately thought of him. As hard as it was at times I really do miss him. I will send him a copy of this picture.

So that's my Sunday afternoon. Tonight the plan is to watch Big Brother and since we just resigned up for Showtime we'll catch up with season 5 of Weeds. We've rented seasons 1-4 and it's a great show, I recommend it. Who knew drug dealing could be so funny? Finally I'll stay up late for Big Brother after dark. Hubby has to work in the morning :) but not me so I'll stay up alone.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes! I remember when this came out. I think of hot summer night on the porch eating ice cream with my friends, when I heard this song.


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