Saturday, June 20, 2009

Uh oh...

Aren't they adorable?
Their snouts are so cute...

Mmmm, chocolate pigs...
I love their ears...

There are 15 students at our school that are home sick, each with the same symptoms that happen to be symptoms of that pesky little bug making it's way around the world. They've been told that they have to stay home the rest of the year even if they're feeling better. Luckily we have just 2 days left. Two of those students are in my kindergarten class. One I work closely with every day. He was in school at the beginning of last week. According to the CDC the incubation period of the H1N1 flu can be as short as 1 to 4 days or 1 to 7 days. Now these are not confirmed cases of it or even being officially called suspected cases but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the little ones and me.


  1. Get lots of rest. Vitamin infuse. Light candles. Throw salt over your shoulder. Spin in a circle while singing "I Feel Good".

    Whatever it takes, Lady!

  2. The more I think about it, the more I think serge and I got it back in April. It was pretty mild so I wouldn't worry too much. If you do get sick, you know the drill.


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