Thursday, June 25, 2009

la paix soit avec toi

A sad day today for the entertainment world with the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. They were both staples of the 70's, a decade from my youth.

Farrah Fawcett had the beautiful all American looks that girls and women wanted to copy and was the fantasy of boys and men everywhere. I remember an incident begging my father to come up and kill a spider in my room but I had to wait until the commercial break so he wouldn't miss a moment of Farrah on Charlie's Angels. She was sexy and classy and if I couldn't have Ryan O'Neil I was glad she had him. I watched her on Farrah's Story and admired her tenacity and bravery. I feel sad, just sad.
And while the public knew that Farrah close to death we didn't know that Michael Jackson was. When I heard that Elvis had died I was in the hospital with my soon to be first and eventually ex-husband, he'd crushed his hand trying to catch a truck transmission at work. I wasn't a big Elvis fan and didn't get the enormity of his death. I was in the basement doing laundry and heard about Jackson. I was shocked and wasn't sure I heard it right. I get it now.

Despite how odd he became in later years he was a still a superstar. I loved his music from his very young innocent days with the Jackson 5. In my mind The Osmonds just couldn't compete with them. We were the same age within 3 weeks of each other so I feel as I grew up with him. MJ had many issues in his adult life but his formative years were no where near normal. He never had an opportunity to be a child and I feel that's mainly the reason for his foibles. I will always think of him as a little boy who grew into a young man and became a music icon. May he rest in peace and be remembered for the singer he was.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that Ed McMahon passed just a few days before. And that was on the heals of David Carradine. It's been an odd couple of weeks for celebrity deaths. (But poor Farrah got over shadowed by MJ.)


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