Tuesday, June 09, 2009

OMG, Adam Lambert is gay!!
I didn't see that coming I say while rolling my eyes. Does anyone really care? Does it matter? I don't hear other Idol contestants being questioned about their sexuality. What I'm interested in is his voice and being gay doesn't change that.
Sure there are people out there that will say his career is over before it gets started because he's gay. Off the top of my head I think of Elton John, Freddie Mercury, George Micheal, Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen, all who have a successful career while being gay. I don't think Adam has to worry about his choice of partners affecting his record sales. The people that have a problem with it most likely don't listen to his type of music and wouldn't listen if he was straight either.
If you're gay it should be your choice if and when you come out of the closet. Should gay activists like Perez Hilton force you to come out or berate you if you don't? I don't think so, straight or gay, it's not any of our business. It's too bad in this day and age people make judgments based on this rather than on their merits.


  1. if you didn't see that one coming, then I am Frank Sinatra!!!!!!

    I do think people care and I think that to some people who hold their religious values dear to them, like MS California think it does matter. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it, this issue of sexuality will big the biggest battle in this country since the civil rights movement. It has the potential to have many casualties on all sides.It will be battle of religion vs lifestyle. The battle here in California over Prop 8 is slowly heating up again and I am watching it closely as I did last time....

  2. Sarcasm Gman for the first line of my post. As for the rest of my thoughts I'm so tired of the strife that religion causes. Let each believe their own and not JUDGE the rest of us if we don't conform to their values. If people around the globe could accept that the world would be a better place.

  3. I know it was sarcasm, I just wanted a reason to belt out New York, New York!

    as for the strife, well, I just think that people don't want to live in sodom and gomorrah and they don't want to have their children taught such issues in school. Mine are in charter schools now because of it...

  4. Incidentally, I just heard that Carrie Prejean was finally sacked by Trump. No surprised there. I knew sooner or later that Perez Hilton would get his way, so this war has only begun. Good for Carrie, I say now she can speak her mind and let Perez have it! Maybe I will just have to put my Prop 8 signs back up....


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