Sunday, May 03, 2009

The best stuff on earth and I don't mean Snapple

For me some of the most beautiful things on Earth are flowers. I love their delicate yet strong blooms. I'm a stop and smell the roses kind of person. Going to the garden store is my retail therapy and it can be dangerous, to my wallet. Yesterday it left $101. lighter. When you're feeling blue or grumpy just go to the garden store and you'll feel so much better. At least I do.
Sit back, relax and enjoy my view.

This daffodil wasn't at the store but in my back yard. We planted about 100 of them out in the fern garden. You can see the ferns are just starting to unfurl.
The colors and textures in nature are wonderful. Stop and and take a look next time you're out and about. Tornwordo has some lovely spring pictures up today also. A man after my own heart. Well sort of :)


  1. I have been gardening this weekend, too. Flowers and some vegetables.
    Love you pictures.. I am off to the garden center today and will take my camera along!

  2. Purty ... I have limited space to indulge in flora therapy (living in a town house). I hope to install a new rhoto next to my porch in the next few weeks.

  3. I can't wait. It's just getting started up here.

  4. sounds like me and aluminum cans!!!! I have 1000's of them!!!


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