Wednesday, May 20, 2009



  1. so does this still apply then?
    "Now if you don't win; I've said it before and I'll say it again...
    "As God as my witness, I will never be hungry again."
    No wait, that was Scarlett O'Hara
    but for real, I will never watch American Idol again."

    so sorry Adam didn't win...At least he got to sing as if he were with Queen.....

  2. Adam will make more money though, you just hide and watch.

  3. make more money.... I will concede that but his issues cost him the competition. He wasn't clean cut enough to be crowned idol. He isn't everyone's cup of tea-he is a throwback to an age of music long gone...Me may outsell Kris, but I don't think he will ever approach what Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, and Daughtry have done. I voted for Kris BTW.....

  4. Adam is definitly areana rock while Kris is coffee shop rock. I do like Kris but in this case the best man didn't win. Gman, these issues you speak of, is it a problem for you? I hardly think his sexual orientation is an issue. Adam will make more money and more oportunities, he's more versitile.

  5. I think you have his arena all wrong. He isn't a rocker, or even singer at heart. If you have done your research, you would know he has a stage background and this is where he truly belongs. He needs to be on Broadway doing plays, not trying to sing Freddy Mercury-unless again its on stage....

  6. oh his issues, not a problem for me. He refused to answer the question, his right entirely, but pleading the 5th rarely gets you anywhere when you are under the microscope.You may not think its an issue where you live, but here in California after the backlash Ms California took from that idiot Perez Hilton, its way out in the open...

  7. Yes, I know Adam has a background on stage, he was in Wicked so I did do my homework. As for people in Cali. well what can I say, here in New York we're much more progressive and open minded. I always thought Cali was too until they defeted the whole gay marriage thing. People are people, gay, straight, whatever. They should get over it.


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