Friday, April 24, 2009

Steak Out

My New York City son and his college roommates went out to dinner last night to celebrate. The last one of them finally got a job and will be moving to Colorado next week. He'll be working for Boeing on some top secret project. His roommates are natives of NYC, (well really natives of China but lived most of their lives in the city) and know the good spots to eat, drink and be merry. One of those places is Peter Luger Steakhouse. The steak is legendary and rated the top steakhouse in NYC by Zagat's.

They ordered the steak for four and he said it was absolutely the best he's ever had. That coming from a kid that until age 15 wouldn't eat steak, didn't like it and would rather have a hot dog.

His palate has changed drastically, he'll try anything once. He enjoys going to his roommate's homes for dinner. Kenny's grandmother cooks authentic Cantonese and Tim's mom cooks authentic Szechwan. He says nothing is wasted in Chinese cooking, he's even had fried chicken feet. I guarantee those will never pass my lips.

On my next visit to NYC I'm going to hit this restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. Fried chicken feet? I might try those once. I'm a big fan of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel. That man will try anything once.


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