Saturday, April 18, 2009

Shopping while Flying

I'm not a great flier, I can't really relax. Maybe because my first two experiences flying weren't that great. The first time I ever flew in a plane was in 1978 when I went to Hawaii at age 20. It was a 13 hour flight and I felt trapped on the plane. We had a two hour layover in LAX so we wondered around. That's where I had my first celebrity sighting...
Charlene Tilton who at the time was on the TV show Dallas. That's her, the young blond.
My second time flying was the worst flight ever. It was in a puddle jumper from Provencetown , Cape Cod into Logan airport in Boston on August 6, 1981. I had driven there with my parents but had to come home early so I had booked a flight home months earlier. Why do I remember that? It was the day after President Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers. I was not happy that I was flying into one of the nation's busiest airports with supervisors and non controllers running the show. Not to mention that I was flying during a violent thunderstorm. EEK.
Over the years flying has gotten easier for me but I need to keep my mind occupied. So I shop in the Sky Mall catalog. Yes, I know, it's probably very germy but I take hand sanitizer when I travel. I always find something I want from it. On my trip to Florida in February I found this brownie pan.

You see I love the edges of brownies. I don't often eat the middle but will cut all around the pan for the crispier edges. This pan would be perfect for me except it cost $39.95 and I don't make brownies that often. But I would if I had this pan.
I am slightly a germ-o-phobic. I wash my hands many times a day because kindergartners have lots of germs plus I think of all the germs when I'm out and about and have to touch things like the grocery cart handle or the door handles at restaurants. The first thing I do after I order is go and wash my hands. Then there's my toothbrush. I clean it with the hottest water I can get out of the faucet. I can get grossed out if I think about putting the same brush in my mouth every day. Enter this ingenious thing; the million germ eliminating travel toothbrush sanitizer. What a deal at $29.95
Now Sky Mall also has some of
the craziest stuff in their catalog too.

Take this for example. The James T. Kirk captian's chair. No kidding, there is such a thing and it only costs $2,717.01 ! (How did they arrive at that odd amount?) If this showed up on my door step we'd be in divorce court. That's crazy. I hated Star Trek as a kid. I thought it was stupid that every planet they ever landed on looked like Earth. Plus every alien woman fell in love with Capt. Kirk. If I were Scotty I wouldn't have beamed him back up to the Enterprise. The only episode I liked was something with little furry creatures.

Moving on we have this lovely garden statue of
Big Foot. I suppose it would be a conversation piece but I think it would freak me out every time I saw it. But I'd take him over Kirk's chair.

Hmmm, I wonder if I have to fly to get this catalog?


  1. Captain Kirk's chair? why not??? i once had a mock up of the entire Star Trek Bridge built in my garage for the local Star Trek club to film their meetings. I actually attended a Klingon Opera and paid to see it.I once waited in line to get the autographs of the original series crew for 9 hours. I own a Klingon dictionary. Star trek was awesome-it showed a simplistic view of how space exploration could be; We explore, we find other beings, we do battle...if only it could be.....

  2. Now my second Fav behind Star Trek was buck Rodgers with Gil Gerrard. Images of Pamela Hensley as Princess Ardalla kept me nice and warm at night as a youngster...and Erin Gray as Colonel dearing as well..hmmmmmmmm.....ah to be young again....

  3. I saw that brownie pan while browsing in the SkyMall catalog on the way to Pittsburgh last month. I've never made brownies, so I didn't really consider buying it.

  4. Sky Mall is on line you know. You can shop there anytime. Why did you poison my mind with the brownie pan. I NEED one of those lol.

  5. That chair is too amusing. I would never go so far as to decorate my house based on some movie/tv show/book.

    I used to be a big ST fan. However, I did find it irksome that Kirk was always chasing skirts, that everyone spoke English, and that most sentient creatures were humanoid.

    Most SF, especially in TV/movies, paints aliens as very similar to humans. There's usually just enough of a difference to make you reflect on a certain aspect of your own culture's failings.

    I guess I don't mind that the genre paints most alien species and cultures as just a little different from Earth. And, having them speak English is convenient for us to reflect on the similarities/differences.

    However, the original ST's biggest failing was Kirk's selfish attitude. Shatner himself is a humorous actor, but he too comes off as overly self-involved.

    I did like how the second series (Next Generation) had a mature captain who was more thoughtful in his interchanges with aliens, and only occasionally chased tail. (His first officer did sometimes give into his hormones, but usually to his detriment - so a lesson played out there.)

    I guess the original ST just reflected our testosterone-favorable imperialism of the 60's, huh?

  6. Kirk was my guy. He kicked but and always got the girl. Piccard was too politically correct, worried about stepping on other cultures toes-who cares. Kirk went in shooting and asked questions later. Was he selfish, yes, but that was his flaw and I loved him for it. Star Trek TNG was like watching the United Nations go to space-totally rediculous...

  7. I've never been a Star Trek fan but did like Capt. Picard, thought he was sexy. Love William Shatner as Denny Crane, as Capt. Kirk, nope. I've never seen any of the movies buy maybe, just maybe I'll see the new one coming out.

  8. I havent watched any Star Trek since the original series. My favorite was the classic with the late Ricardo Montalban as Khan..."He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give him up!" dunno if I;ll watch the new one, doesnt seem right without Rodenberry....


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