Saturday, March 07, 2009


A good place to eat, Crabby Bill's. Casual and good seafood.
I liked the name because my dad's name is Bill but he's not crabby.
Clearwater Beach


This girl just flitted around on the beach like the butterfly she was.

I love palm trees, maybe because they're so exotic to me.

We went on a dolphin trip out of Clearwater Pass, the exact place the
doomed deep sea fishing trip took place five days later. The dolphins love to frolic in the wake and waves of the boats.

Under a new bridge that cost multi millions to build and had to have four major repairs before it even opened for travel. Your tax dollars at work.

The dolphins were very playful, rolling over on their backs to wave hello at one time.

The water is just beautiful. Up north water is a deeper blue, sometimes a steely blue, never this light aqua or turquoise color.

When I tried to take pictures of the dolphins I would miss and all I got was water. On his first try hubby gets this shot.

There is a lot of money in Clearwater. I was envious as to how the other half lives but I wouldn't want all the problems that come with it. This is Hulk Hogan's house.

And here we have one of John Travolta's homes. No surprise he has one in Clearwater as the Church of Scientology's world headquarters is located here.

At the marina at Clearwater Pass waiting for a snack from a fishing boat.

While it's a very lovely place to visit I'm pretty sure, no make that positive, I couldn't live here year round for the reason above. I am petrified of wind, sure a gentle breeze is fine, I'm talking about wind over 50 mph or so. No thank you.

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