Saturday, March 14, 2009


After 26 years in our house Hubby and I are finally giving our main bathroom a complete face lift. When we first moved in the bathroom was hideous with that 1970's gold color toilet, sink, one piece tub surround and linoleum floor plus the walls were painted that color. It was gross. We replaced the toilet and sink, painted the walls and put carpet on the floor over the linoleum. For years I've wanted to get rid of that tub.

Are you familiar with the Kohler commercial where the hoity- toity couple is at the pretentious architectural firm, she looks at the architect with a challenging look on her face and deadpans, "design a house around this" as she pulls a faucet out of her designer bag and plops it on the table. I always thought that was the stupidest commercial until now when I've found something I want to design my new bathroom around. That commercial not ringing any bells? Click on the video...

So here's the faucet I found for my bathroom...

Ha, I'm so kidding about that! Who would ever put this in their bathroom??
But I fell in love with this beautiful Kohler sink.

Another angle, isn't it lovely?? It's shallow, they call it a wading sink. It has no faucet holes, your faucet would either go directly into the counter top or be wall mounted. Does it look expensive?? If you thought yes, you'd be right. Four hundred dollars! But now that I've seen it... Hubby and I are trying to come to some sort of compromise. He would rather have a one piece Corian type counter top with a molded sink or some sort of stone. I'm willing to forgo the stone and go with a very nice Formica top. As a matter of fact I found one and for the sink and top it will be about 825.00. We need to price out his option.

I said I would give up my pricey ($1,000 +) Italian ceramic tile floor I wanted if I could have the sink. The tile is gorgeous too. The blue and green you see in it is melted glass. The thing about me is I seem to automatically go to the very expensive items when shopping. It's really hard having champagne taste on a beer budget.


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Ok I snorted at the first faucet! lol that was funny!
    I love the sink you picked and oh those tiles are gorgeous.
    have fun remodeling!

  2. The sink is very pretty to look at. However, I am married to an architect. They had a wading sink at his office. There's also one in the restroom of one of our favorite restaurants.

    Pretty? Yes. Functional: NO! The shallowness of the sink lends itself to water all over your counters (no matter how careful YOU are, someone else will not realize that they have to be). Also, the lack of a vent hole in the sink means that drainage can quickly become an issue.

    Keep the expensive tile. Find a pretty, but more traditional sink.

    Sorry to be a downer.

  3. wow! $825.00 for a sink?? I guess the economic downfall hasnt quite made it back east yet!

  4. So I've decided not to get the sink I wanted. It may not be practical so the search continues and Gman, the sink isn't 800+ that would be for the sink and counter top.

  5. its ok summer,if I had my way I would readily plunk down $825 for my next custom build computer rather than a sink, LOL!

  6. I much prefer the solid surface type vanity tops with built in sinks. No formica, it always looks like crap, and no drop in sinks, it's hard to keep them clean around the edge where they meet the counter top.


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