Monday, February 02, 2009

The price of gas...
is creeping up again.
The lowest it got down to was $1.74 about two weeks ago.
Since then it's been climbing steadily.
Our house hates winter. We have to have heat tape on the roof to keep the ice from damming up under the shingles and leaking inside. Every so often hubby has to go climb the ladder and chop it off. Over the weekend believe it or not that big ball of boiling gas that's 93 million miles away from Earth was out so it softened the ice up some. On the other hand it was so damn bright it gave me a splitting headache while out driving around. No, I don't have any sunglasses.
Are you tired of snow pictures yet?
Me too.
We're running out of room to put the snow.


  1. 70 degrees here in sunny northern california. no jacket required, no snow, just lots of sunshine and people starting to break out the shorts and flip flops....

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Ugh I am so tired of winter. We had wonderful weather over the weekend, but now back to cold and snow.

  3. Yeah, why did the price of oil drop by two thirds but the price of gas only dropped by less than half (here anyway) What gives?

  4. better check out the attic ventilation, that's the usual cause of ice dams. I get them here, the builder stuffed insulation in the eves so the attic can't breathe.


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